Friday, May 18, 2012

Confessions of an addict

Shortly after noon, I took my first drink of the day.  It tasted so good, just like I remember it tasting so many times before.  Without hesitation I took another drink, and then another.  Before long I found myself firing them back.  I could not stop and lost count of how many I had. 

Despite how much I had drunk, I was disappointed that I still couldn’t catch a buzz.  I craved that buzz, dare I say, I needed that buzz.  So I kept drinking more. 

As I raised my drink to my lips again, I realized that what people had warned me about had come true.  I had become an addict.  But, you know what?  I don’t care.  I will continue to drink as long as I darn well please.  My addiction makes me happy, and that’s all that matters to me right now.

But today, I was an upset addict, as I couldn’t catch a buzz no matter how much I drank.  I then looked on the counter and I saw the reason why.  My wife had tampered with my drink without telling me.

Yeah, she made decaf this morning.


  1. Oh... my... gosh.... How could she!? Do you want me to have a talk with her? Cuz I will!! pshaw..... decaf.....

  2. Good one! I was worried about you for a minute there!

    1. Thanks, Sandy! That means I wrote this one well, then!
