Friday, March 23, 2012

The Theory of Coaching Football

Along with 62 other students, I am currently enrolled in the most popular course at Saint John’s: The Theory of Coaching Football.  Today, during my most busy time of the year, I took off work almost the entire day to attend class and to spend time with the instructor of the course.  Joining me were two friends and fellow alumni of Saint John’s whom I invited to attend class with me.

What would it feel like to know that three busy people took off work for a day just to hear you speak and to talk with you?  Would it feel honoring and would it feel like you must be doing something right?

Here is the kicker: there are not just three people interested in spending time with this instructor.  Had I cast my invitation more broadly, hundreds of people would have joined me in the instructor’s classroom today.

How do you get to the point where so many people wish to spend time with you?  I would love to give you that answer in this blog entry, but it would take a couple hundred pages.  I think I will save it for the book.

Simply put, my research has been going better than expected, and I cannot wait for my sabbatical this fall.  There is a story that needs to be told, and I am honored and excited to have the opportunity to tell it.

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